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What are knots?
Myofascial trigger points, more commonly known as muscle knots, are small and bump-like areas of the muscles that can be tender when touched. Although exact cause of these knots is still being studied, this is our interpretation based on what we know. Knots, which are...
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The importance of warming up and down
Many people forgo warming up and cooling down in order to save time, but this practice can be counterproductive. It's true that the main part of a workout is essential, however it is important to incorporate warm-up and cool-down...
What are muscle cramps and how to deal with them
Learn how to deal with muscle cramps by checking out this page here.
How Massage Can Improve The Winter Blues
Seasonal depression can impact your mood, energy levels and overall well-being. Learn how massage therapy can help improve these symptoms and get you back to feeling great!